Technical Assistance - CORE International doesn't 'do everything' but when we do provide technical services, we do it exceptionally well. Our Technical Assistance services include the following areas:
- Rural Development Planning
- Energy Security Analysis and Planning
- Renewable Energy Technologies Evaluation and Suitability
- Regional Investment Planning
- Procurement Assistance
- Feasibility Studies Pre-Investment

Advisory Services - CORE provides objective advice to our clients on where they should invest their funding, increase their capacity, improve their services and client base, and/or reduce regulatory and compliance burdens through improved systems.
CORE has prepared more than 300 pre-feasibility studies for the U.S. Trade and Development Agency
- CORE assisted an international NGO to increase its funding base by accessing new revenue sources through the European Union
- CORE assisted a municipality in South Africa to improve its services and its employee skill sets through increased recruitment, improved management interaction with personnel, and improve services to its consumers
- CORE assisted regulatory bodies to comply with regulatory regimes while simultaneous utilizing the reporting information for communicating better with their community and consumer advocates
CORE has prepared more than 300 pre-feasibility studies for the U.S. Trade and Development Agency

Poverty Alleviation Services, Humanitarian Aid, Disaster Mitigation and Management - Since 1984 CORE has been working with bi-lateral development agencies, multi-lateral donors, country governments, and private companies to provide expert advice and assistance in the areas of poverty alleviation, humanitarian and emergency aid, and disaster mitigation and management. CORE supported efforts to assist victims of the conflict in Bosnia-Herzegovina (reconstruction 1996-1997), Hurricane Mitch in 1998, the great Asian Tsunami (2004), and the earthquake in Haiti in 2010. Our strategy is to engage the local community to the greatest extent possible and to target key priorities to have as great a positive impact as possible in the shortest amount of time. Based on our experiences on-the-ground, we also provide medium and long term recommendations for host countries to consider following reconstruction.